Friday, June 15, 2007

First week: Porto

It's the end of my first week in Europe and couldn't be more happy how this journey it's starting. I'm staying at Cristiano's house, my very good friend from Istanbul times, and with his family. It's hard to explain in English, but they are all very friendly, easy-going and have a very close family relationship. There seems to be a great mix of Portuguese and Brazilian culture in the family, since his mother and grandmother are Brazilians.

I love Porto. It's such a beautiful and interesting city. It caught me completely by surprise since I didn't expect so much. Cris tells me that this is very common for foreigners who come here because Porto is not an specially touristic city, although it could perfectly be. Definitely it's great as it is. It adds to the spirit of the city.

Portugal it's so much more close to the romantic idea I had from Europe when I was younger. People like to enjoy the good life. Delicious food, fine wine, great company. In Porto this shows also through their 'cafe culture'. Lots of cafes everywhere, all full with people who meet there regularly. Many students meet in cafes to study and it's part of the daily life. I was impressed that even in the Museum of Modern Art, students met there to study at the cafe downstairs.

Portuguese people seem to be very relaxed, calm and easy-going. Very 'latin', maybe too much for the rest Europe. From what I've talked with Cris, it looks like Portugal might be the closest country in Europe to Latin America, although still far in many ways.

As I said, I couldn't be more pleased on how this is starting, and I have to specially thank Cristiano and his family for that. Tomorrow I'll be in Istanbul for the long-awaited reunion. Two years have passed since we all left. Still seems unreal it's actually happening.


Gatolobohombre Quenoexiste said...
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Unknown said...

Bueno, primo, segundo intento de publicar mi mensaje. Estoy muy contenta de poder participar en este viaje tuyo a través de tu blog, invitada por Chris (qué buen PR t mandás!;)) Bueno, feliz de saber que estás realizando un suenio que ya tenías cuando viniste hace 2 anios. Espero q en medio de todos tus planes tengas algunos días abiertos y puedas pasar a visitarnos en Münster. Me encanta también leer los comentarios de Chris, tan llenos de contenido, sensibilidad, inteligencia y gracia...evidentemente es de familia jeje!!
Bueno, Bas, te deseo lo mejor de lo mejor en tu viaje y ojalá puedas pasar por acá. Un fuerte abrazo primos y besos a Alicia!